P h o t o b y B . E u g e n e W o f f o r d @ T E N N
Habitat: Coves to mesic woods at mid-high elevations (Wofford 1989).
Species Description: Perennial shrub.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early May to mid June.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Shrub 1-2 m high and lower branches often rooting. Young portions fo the plant rusty stellate pubescent. Leaves are over 10 cm wide, broadly ovate, base cordate and serrulate. Marginal flowers are enlarged and sterile. Fruit red turning dark.
Management: Grazing or browsing pressure, vegetation removal, or hydrologic changes (i.e. stream alterations road construction) would be detrimental to this species.
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: