P h o t o b y K S N P C S t a f f
Habitat: Swamps and marshes (Weakley 1998); in KY, open herbaceous edge of swamp and a wet pasture but also known from swamps.
Species Description: Perennial herb.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early September to late November.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: The leaves of this ladies'-tresses are present at the time of flowering, which is in the fall. The flower has a strong vanilla scent. Also, the lateral sepals (appearing as two forward pointing petals on the sides of the flower) do not rise above the upper petal tips.
Management: Avoid changes in moisture/hydrologic conditions at the site. Changes could result from overstory removal, stream/wetland alteration or vegetation removal that would result in increased erosion.
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: