P h o t o b y A l a n S . H e i l m a n @ T E N N
Habitat: Dry - mesic forest, mountain summits. In IL found in calcareous sandstone woods, exposures on the side of slopes below a cap of sandstone.
Species Description: Perennial herb.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early August to late September.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: This is a larger coarser plant that other Silene species standing 3-15 dm tall and is puberulent. The leaves are sessile and ovate (to broadly lanceolate) and are acute to acuminate and opposite at mid-stem. The calyx becomes a little inflated. The petals are white.
Management: Timber removal would be detrimental. Disturbance such as ATV trails, timber removal or any activity that results in increased erosion and weed invasion will be detrimental.
Global Range: Range centered in the southern Appalachians (Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia) and extending to Alabama, Mississippi, and Arkansas.
Known Kentucky Occurrences: