KNP Rare Plants Database

KY Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Starry-cleft Phlox
Phlox bifida ssp. stellaria
Family: Polemoniaceae

Protection Status:
State Status:  E
USFWS Status: 

Global Rank: G5?T3
State Rank: S1


Photo by KSNPC Staff
Dry cliffs, bluffs, sandhills, dunes, dry sandy soil and rock ledges, cedar glades.

Species Description:
Perennial herb.

Flowering Period: Mid March to late May.

Additional Information at NatureServe

Diagnostic Characteristics:
Starry cleft phlox has narrow almost needle like leaves (ca 15-50 mm long and only 1-2 mm wide). The plants form low mats and are stems semi-woody. The flowers are light blue to white, notched to about 1/2 their length. The plants are found associated with rock outcrops. This subspecies differes in having trichomes eglandular or absent (subsp. bifida has glandular trichomes).

Timber removal would be detrimental. Exotic pest plants are a threat to this species and should be removed. Avoid creating access to the site through trail or road construction.

Global Range:
Very local, sporadic from southern Illinois and Indiana, southward through Kentucky into Tennessee and Missouri. Potentially recorded from southern Michigan.

Known Kentucky Occurrences:
Species occurrence map

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Data Last Updated: November 2018
Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort,KY 40601
Phone: (502) 573-2886
Copyright © 2003-2011 Commonwealth of Kentucky. All rights reserved.