P h o t o b y D e n n i s D . H o r n @ T E N N
Habitat: Rich thickets, fence rows, edge of woods.
Species Description: Twining perennial vine with milky sap, opposite heart-shaped leaves, and long-stalked clusters of 5-petaled maroon flowers.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early April to late June. Fruiting Period: Early July to late October.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: This species is milkvine is distinguished by having a pubescent calyx lobes and glandular-puberulent corolla lobes on the inside and maroon in color. These are widest from the middle to the end and less htan 4 times as long as wide. Corona longer than and forming a cup around the gynostegium. Follicles have small sharp projections (muricate) and rounded rather than angled.
Management: Timber removal would be detrimental.
Global Range: Pennsylvania (where possibly extirpated) and Deleware south to Florida, west to Kentucky, Arkansas, and Texas.
Known Kentucky Occurrences: