P h o t o b y U n i v e r s i t y o f T e n n e s s e e H e r b a r i u m ( T E N N )
Habitat: Wet meadows, swamps, wet woods; in KY, boulder cobble bars along creeks and rivers, and known from a roadside near a railroad (Medley).
Species Description: Perennial herb.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early May to late June. Fruiting Period: Early July to late September.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Wet woods often along shorelines; leaflets 4-8 and a tendril at the end, stems winged; racemes with 2-6 flowers.
Management: Disturbance such as ATV trails, timber removal or any activity that results in increased erosion and weed invasion will be detrimental. Exotic pest plants are a threat to this species and should be removed. Avoid creating access to the site through trail or road construction.
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: