KNP Rare Plants Database

KY Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Rough Pennyroyal
Hedeoma hispidum
Family: Lamiaceae

Protection Status:
State Status:  T
USFWS Status: 

Global Rank: G5
State Rank: S2


Photo by University of Tennessee Herbarium (TENN)
Cedar galde, limestone outcrop, strip mine and other disturbed habitat.

Species Description:
Annual herb

Flowering Period: Early May to late August.

Additional Information at NatureServe

Diagnostic Characteristics:
Small (1-4 dm) mint with linear leaves that 1-2 cm long, sessile and entire. The calyx lobes are distinctive in being subulate (awl -shaped) and ciliate and the calyx tube is hirsutous (scattered longish hairs). Hedeoma is distinctive in having a 2-lipped calyx, and few blue flowers loose in verticels of the leaf axils (rather than at the end of the stems). Flowers have 2 stamens and these are exerted beyond the end of the corolla throat. The corolla is weakly 2-lipped, the upper one is erect while the lower is spreading.

Avoid changes in moisture/hydrologic conditions at the site. Changes could result from overstory removal, stream/wetland alteration or impacts due to erosion. Exotic pest plants are a threat to this species and should be removed.

Global Range:

Known Kentucky Occurrences:
Species occurrence map

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Data Last Updated: November 2018
Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves
300 Sower Blvd
Frankfort,KY 40601
Phone: (502) 573-2886
Copyright © 2003-2011 Commonwealth of Kentucky. All rights reserved.