P h o t o b y U n i v e r s i t y o f T e n n e s s e e H e r b a r i u m ( T E N N )
Habitat: Ponds, swamps, sloughs and ditches.
Species Description: Annual, or short lived perennial, herb.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early July to late September.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: The flowering scapes (stems) are reclining and rooting at the nodes, and these may be up to 60 cm long. Leavs are ovate to cordate (rarely lanceolate when plants are small). The flowers have petals 5-12 mm long with 12-25 stamens, and there are numerous ovaries (more than 20 at e least). Echinodorus can be distinguished from Alisma because the infloresence is generally not branched but has a whorl of pedicels) and the flower receptacle is conic with ovaries arranged spirally ( rather than a ring).
Management: Avoid changes in moisture/hydrologic conditions at the site. Changes could result from overstory removal, stream/wetland alteration or impacts due to erosion. Exotic pest plant are a threat.
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: