P h o t o b y K S N P C S t a f f
Habitat: Sandy or rocky soil, plains, and prairies (Gleason & Cronquist 1991); in KY, associated with sandstone boulder-cobble bars and limestone cobble bars (Medley 1993).
Species Description: Woody shrub.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early April to late May.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Ceanothus herbaceous differs from Ceanothus americanus ( the more common New Jersey tea) in that the marginal veins begin several mm above the base of the blade (rather than from the base). The leaves are lanceolate not ovate. The infloresence, an umbel, arises at the end of the current years growth whereas C.americanus has them on long axillary peduncles. Occurs on rocky stream banks in KY but also occurs on sandy rocky soils in prairie habitats throughout its range.
Management: Disturbance of surrounding areas (particularly the slopes above the floodplain terrace) such as ATV trails, timber removal or any activity that results in increased erosion and weed invasion will be detrimental. Changes in the hydrology of the stream system where this species occurs would be detrimental.
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: