P h o t o b y U n i v e r s i t y o f T e n n e s s e e H e r b a r i u m ( T E N N )
Habitat: Generally known from wet soil mostly near the coast (Gleason & Cronquist 1991); marshes (KY)
Species Description: Grass-like perennial herb
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early May to late June. Fruiting Period: Early June to late July.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: This tufted sedge has leaves that are only 2-4 mm wide and shorter than the stems, the leaf sheaths are green ventrally (front side) almost to the summit and hyaline only at the tip; the female spikes are silvery-green or brown, and ovoid in shape and crowded (overlapping). Achenes are from 0.9mm wide or more and the perigynia ca 2.5 longer than wide - so oval in shape.
Management: Avoid changes in moisture conditions at the site. These could result from overstory removal or changes in hydrology (stream alteration or impacts due to erosion for example).
Global Range:
Known Kentucky Occurrences: