P h o t o b y R i c h a r d C a s s e l l
Habitat: Canopy openings in mixed hardwood forests on limestone slopes associated with large streams and rivers..
Species Description: Perennial herb and root parasite.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early August to late October.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Spreading false foxglove is perennial which distinguishes it from A. pedicularia, a species of dry woods. It is pubescent throughout the infloresence but none of these hairs are glandular. It typically occurs associated with limestone substrates along the slopes of larger streams and rivers.
Management: Exotic pest plants are a threat to this species. Avoid changes in moisture conditions at the site. These could result from overstory removal (along the bluffs above the river slopes/cliffs), changes in hydrology (stream alteration or increased erosion for example).
Global Range: Central Kentucky, northern Georgia to Tennessee. Edmonson, Pulaski, and McCreary counties, Kentucky; Rome, Georgia; Roane, Knox, Loudon, Morgan, Coffee, and Montgomery coutnies, Tennessee.
Known Kentucky Occurrences:
