Habitat: Pine thickets and openings on the coastal plain, usually sandy soil (Fernald 1970).
Species Description: A herbaceous annual forb that blooms in late summer.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early September to late October.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Similar to Agalinis decemloba but do not have the yellow lines in the corolla. The calyx tube has netlike veins and the lobes are less tha 1 mm. Seeds are yellow not dark. The corolla is 1-1.8 cm.
Management: Timber removal may be beneficial . Hand removal of trees in the vicinity is needed to maintain the open character of the habitat for this species.Woody plant invasion must be controlled using periodic prescribed fire, mowing or other means.
Global Range: U. S. historic reports: Alabama, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee. Extant populations: Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, North Carolina, and Virginia. Possibly extirpated from Pennsylvania and Delaware.
Known Kentucky Occurrences: