P h o t o b y B . E u g e n e W o f f o r d @ T E N N
Habitat: Barrens, prairies
Species Description: Parasitic herb.
Phenology: Flowering Period: Early August to late August. Fruiting Period: Early September to mid September.
Additional Information at NatureServe
Diagnostic Characteristics: Flowers distinctive in being axillary but otherwise similar to agalinis(pink with lobes longer than the tube); leaves are sessile and at least some have basal lobes and are entire.
Management: Woody plant invasion must be controlled using periodic prescribed fire, mowing or other means. Timber removal may be beneficial . Hand removal of trees in the vicinity is needed to maintain the open character of the habitat for this species. Exotic pest plants are a threat to this species. Avoid creating access to the site through trail or road construction.
Global Range: Primarily in the Midwestern and South-central United States, with some outlying populations (or former populations). Reported as extant in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, and South Carolina; considered possibly extirpated in Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin; and considered extirpated in Michigan, New Jersey, and Texas.
Known Kentucky Occurrences: